luyued 发布于 2010-12-27 11:43 浏览 N 次如有需要帮助请联系QQ:445846027
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Research and Realization of License Plate Recognition Algorithm
Abstract: In recent years, with the vigorous development of the national economy,there are more and more construct in the domestic expressway, urban road, and parking area. The requisition on the traffic control, safety management improves day by day. Therefore, license plate recognition technology has the particularly important practical application value in the public security and the traffic control. In the paper, a preliminary research was made on the license location, characters segment and characters recognition of the license plate recognition. On the license location,the projection was used to locate the license plate; On the characters segmentation, the liminal rule was used to divide the characters; In order to solve the problem of the digital characters recognition in the plate,
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